Sunday, August 5, 2012

Relationships and Lightworkers

It is not until you have the courage to engage in human relationships that you grow. ~ Gary Zukav

On the same day of this message from Gary Zukav, I had my first Lightworker-to-Lightworker interaction with a co-worker at my "day job."  I'll refer to him as "Z".  Z told me about a friend whom he described as being afraid of being in a relationship... essentially, Z's statement mirrored the very message Gary Zukav was posting.

In a parallel vein, I've been concerned that as I seek to raise my vibrational frequency to match the Earth's evolution, I may "leave my husband behind."  Hubby isn't into spiritual work - he's very much a person of five-sensory empirical evidence.  He respects me and loves me enough to not judge or criticize my spiritual pursuits, but he doesn't really want to be a part of it.

Does this mean he'll "stay behind" when the Shift happens?  Fortunately, the answer is a resounding "No."  Here's my evidence:

1) Hubby loves me in a way I had never experienced before.  Because of his love, I've been better able to connect with our Spirit nature.  How could he possibly not be a highly evolved soul?  He's truly my spiritual rock!

2) After Z and I chatted, we hugged, but he made a "correction" to my hug: instead of placing our heads to our left, he switched so our heads were to our rights.  He described this as the better position energetically* and commented that I hug firmly ("with gusto" and openly).  Later that night, as I reflected on the interaction with Z, I recalled that Hubby is a "hugger" - before we ever met, his mode of comforting friends was via hugs, even signing e-mails with "Hugs," where many of us use "Love,"...  And then it dawned on my: what if Hubby designed this personality to purposely be "anchored" in a five-sensory experience because, being so highly evolved, connecting to his Higher Self would be too much for this physical body!

So, I can stop worrying about him - he's making the Shift along with Earth.  Maybe he's physically most of he the time because he's so busy on "the other side." 

Can you feel how much lighter I feel now?  I was ecstatic when I realized Hubby is a Lightworker in his own right and in his own way.

The title of this post started as "Relationships" because I was prompted to come here by Gary Zukav's message and the connection to my conversation with Z.  I added "and Lightworkers" to connect it to the "punchline" of this post - in writing this, I've realized that Lightworkers come in all forms.  Not all Lightworkers look like Lightworkers - Hubby most certainly does not fit the mold of a "typical" Lightworker.  And yet his is one just by being himself.  Yippee!!

Peace and Love,
Serenity Joy

*Hug to the right to avoid entangling energies?  I do have to research that and will post my findings at a later date.

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Peace and Love...
Serenity Joy