Monday, June 25, 2012

Receiving a message through dreams

A week ago, I asked my guides to send me messages during my most receptive state: while I'm asleep.  While I won't describe the dreams in detail (largely because they were pretty graphic, violent, and disturbing), here are the things I found in common to both dreams:

  • Terribly "bad" things were being done to two young brothers, whose ages were about 2 and 6
  • Their mother or a mother-like woman was present yet indifferent to their suffering
  • The things happening to the children would result in bodily and psychological harm, but not enough for them to die, at least not right away...
I've been focusing on being non-judgmental about seemingly "bad" things happening to good (or innocent) people. So, I challenged myself to look at these events not as "evil to be eradicated," but as part of those souls' plans for growth during their human incarnation...
I consciously re-visualized my dreams and aimed to look at the children's suffering not as cruelty and injustice, but as courageous choices made by their souls in order to "fast track" their evolution.  Upon interpreting the events as planned opportunities for growth, I also stopped seeing the people "doing" the bad things to those children as "evil" - instead, I saw them also courageous souls for accepting to bear the burden of "inflicting" the pain that would set the stage for the (potential) Spiritual Growth. 
So what message were my guides sending me?  Well, my mother tried to cause a miscarriage when she was pregnant with me.  And although I was never physically abused, I also was rarely, if ever, shown unconditional love when I was growing up.  I thought I had gotten past the anger and resentment over those events, but I still hold back loving my mother unconditionally and truly forgiving her.  There have been plenty of times when I think "she's lucky I even talk to her!"  

Well, it's time to truly "let her off the hook."  At the soul level, this was the agreement we made and I am grateful to her for playing the "bad guy" in this lifetime for me.  I needed her to set the stage for me to remember my true nature: for me to dig deep and see that I am pure Love and Light inside.  I needed her to show me that Love doesn't come from others, but it comes from within - it's what we are all made of.

Thank you, Mother, for agreeing to play this role in my life.  I can't imagine how difficult it was to be the recipient of my wrath as I found my way, but I see now the immense Love behind your actions.  I know you tried to bail out of our agreement, and I'm glad it didn't work because your Soul also needed this experience to grow.  It is now time for you to forgive yourself and, most of all, LOVE YOURSELF UNCONDITIONALLY.  I certainly love you unconditionally.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The beginning of this blog

Welcome to my blog.

While my "legal" name is not Serenity Joy, this is the name I've given my higher self to reflect the state I want to project to those I encounter.

My goal in posting to this blog is to share my experiences in this Journey called "life on Earth."  This blog will be very "New Agey," and it will resonate with some readers and give the hibbie jibbies to others.

I'm starting this blog because yesterday, during an Akashic Records Reading at Healing Touch, I got the message from my Spirit Guides that I am indeed a "Beacon" of Light from Spirit: this reinforced the mission I had set for myself to remain connected to Spirit, tap into the Light and Love of which we are all made, and just let that energy flow through me and on to everyone I encounter.

Primarily, I focus on channeling this energy at work: even though I have a "regular" job in an Engineering and Manufacturing company, I aim to perform my "human" tasks with a lightness and joy that shows those around me how things can be done.  In other words: it is NOT necessary to have a profession as a Light Worker in order to be a Beacon of (Spirit) Light.
Although I admit to a bit of (healthy?) jealousy of those who can make a living as professional Light Workers, such as Janine Sousa of Healing Touch, who accessed the Akashic Records for me :-).

So, for now I must depart, but I will aim to post things as they happen in case you find this helpful.

Wishing you all Peace and Love...
Serenity Joy