Sunday, June 17, 2012

The beginning of this blog

Welcome to my blog.

While my "legal" name is not Serenity Joy, this is the name I've given my higher self to reflect the state I want to project to those I encounter.

My goal in posting to this blog is to share my experiences in this Journey called "life on Earth."  This blog will be very "New Agey," and it will resonate with some readers and give the hibbie jibbies to others.

I'm starting this blog because yesterday, during an Akashic Records Reading at Healing Touch, I got the message from my Spirit Guides that I am indeed a "Beacon" of Light from Spirit: this reinforced the mission I had set for myself to remain connected to Spirit, tap into the Light and Love of which we are all made, and just let that energy flow through me and on to everyone I encounter.

Primarily, I focus on channeling this energy at work: even though I have a "regular" job in an Engineering and Manufacturing company, I aim to perform my "human" tasks with a lightness and joy that shows those around me how things can be done.  In other words: it is NOT necessary to have a profession as a Light Worker in order to be a Beacon of (Spirit) Light.
Although I admit to a bit of (healthy?) jealousy of those who can make a living as professional Light Workers, such as Janine Sousa of Healing Touch, who accessed the Akashic Records for me :-).

So, for now I must depart, but I will aim to post things as they happen in case you find this helpful.

Wishing you all Peace and Love...
Serenity Joy

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Thank you for taking the time to comment - I look forward to reading your feedback.
Peace and Love...
Serenity Joy